I'm slightly determined, so I bought circle pendants on sale a while ago, telling myself I'd try the necklace again. The problem was I could never really pump myself up to trying it again, mostly because I couldn't come up with a cute idea that I absolutely HAD to try.
Until the Fourth of July and it's patriotic beauty came around. I grabbed my pack of pendants and tried again.
This time, it worked.
Stars & Stripes Necklace

Gather It:
- blank necklace pendant
- scrapbook paper
- scissors
- diamond glaze
- needle
- Basically, trace the correctly-sized pendant circle onto the scrapbook paper and cut it out. I thought it would be great to have one Star and one Stripes pendant---hence the name of the necklace. I know, rocket science.
- Trim until it fits in the pendant and place it in flat in the pendant. Make sure there is no space between the back of the paper and front of the pendant.
- VERY VERY slowly drip the glaze into the pendant, until the pendant is full. Make sure not to get any bubbles because they will dry as bubbles (ask me how I know).
- Wait overnight to dry, then string onto chain, ribbon, whatever you want to put around your neck. Enjoy!